Stable Diffusion 3 Image To Image API Introduction

Generate an image using a Stable Diffusion 3 model.Generating with a prompt and an image.


The service uses 8 credits per successful result. You will not be charged for failed results.

Example Request and Response

API Documentation

API EndpointMethod

Request Header

AuthenticationUse your API key to authentication requests to this App.

Request Body

The request should include a FormData object in the body with the following parameters:


Image used to initialize the diffusion process, in lieu of random noise.


The text description or prompt used to generate the image.


The desired pixel width for the generated image should be between 320 and 1536 pixels, in an increment divisible by 64.


The desired pixel height for the generated image should be between 320 and 1536 pixels, in an increment divisible by 64.


Range: [0, 1]

This parameter controls how much influence the image parameter has on the generated image. A value of 0 would yield an image that is identical to the input. A value of 1 would be as if you passed in no image at all.


Enum: sd3-large sd3-large-turbo sd3-medium

Default: sd3-large

The model to use for generation.


Random noise seed (omit this option or use 0 for a random seed).


Keywords of what you do not wish to see in the output image. This is an advanced feature.This parameter does not work with sd3-large-turbo.

Response Body

The response should include a JSON object in the body with the following parameters:

codeintStatus Code, 0 for success callback, -1 for failure callback
messagestringCallback message, 'success' for success, failure reason for failure
dataobjectImage Details

Image Details

imagestringReturn the base64 encoded image of the generated picture.
seedintThe seed used as random noise for this generation.

Example Request

import requests
import base64
import os

image_path = './init_image.png'
with open(image_path, 'rb') as file:
    image_data =

payload = {
    'strength': 0.35,
    'prompt': 'black hair',
files = {'image': ('init_image.png', image_data)}

url = ""
headers = {'Authorization': "your-auth-token"}
response =, data=payload, files=files, headers=headers)

response_json = response.json()
if response_json.get('code') == 0:
    image_base64 = response_json['data']['image']
    image_bytes = base64.b64decode(image_base64)
    with open('./result.png', 'wb') as file:

Example Response

  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "image": "base64 encoded image data",
    "seed": 1050625087